The Renovation is complete!

Thank you to all who have prayed for and donated toward the Clubhouse Renovation Project!  We have finished the renovation and are now using the building!

Our next step is to build an 8’x10′ storage unit next to the clubhouse to allow us to free up more of our classroom space.

Progress Update 5/5/2022

Initial Demolition Begins! 3/9/2022

THANK YOU!!!!! With God’s help through the gifts of a lot of generous people, we did it!  See the update video below.

We need your help to turn boarded-up storage space into 3 new meeting rooms
and a bathroom!

The Story

When we started Hidalgo in 2002, we met outside with the kids. With the change of seasons bringing darkness and cold, the apartment management started letting us use vacant apartments.

Seeing the value Hidalgo brought to the community, the management then they gave us our own apartment to use (as well as letting our Youth meet in their office).

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The Clubhouse


After a couple years, we discovered that the 2-story clubhouse building of the apartments had been trashed out and left boarded up for many years.  We negotiated that if we would renovate the building at mostly our cost, the clubhouse would become our ministry center.

PHASE ONE – The Social Room (Done)

With help of volunteers and a volunteer contractor, we turned the large upstairs social room into a usable meeting space.

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PHASE TWO – The Laundry Room (Done)

We next took a small laundry room downstairs and turned that into a usable room.


Over half of the downstairs space is boarded up and unusable. Our current plan is to clear out that space (walls and all), and recreate an area with 3 new meeting rooms and a bathroom.  That will allow us options, such as:

•Break the kids into age groups so we don’t have 4-5 small groups sharing one large room.
•Let moms have a Bible study while their kids are having Kids Club
•Let the teens split up into guys and girls groups
•Have other clubs or opportunities for multiple groups to meet at the same time.
Clubhouse RenovationRenovation Basic Layout


How can I help?

You can share this page, our video, or our Facebook fundraiser with your friends, family, and your families’ friends!!!

How can I give to this project?

  • Give online at our donation page and put “Clubhouse” in the comment.
  • Checks may be made out and sent to:Hidalgo Ministries
    P.O. Box 12223
    Dallas, TX 75225Feel free to add “Clubhouse” in the comment.

You raised money a couple years ago. Why aren’t you done yet?

•In 2018, we had a bid for $65,000.  After raising the funds for this and preparing for the permitting process, we were told we didn’t meet ADA (American Disabilities Act) requirement with our plans. (We had two steps down inside, and ADA required a ramp instead.) Due to this, our architect chose to step out, and we had to find a new architect to attempt a new layout.  Our new architect discovered that we were grandfathered in as a clubhouse and therefore didn’t need to recreate the layout.  Because of the delay, however, costs went up, and we no longer could afford the project on the raised funds.  After spending a couple of years trying to find a contractor to work with close to our budget, we found one who was relatively close in cost.  Therefore we decided the timing was right to raise the additional funds.

What happens if you raise more than is needed for the Clubhouse?

If any money is raised beyond what is needed for the clubhouse new renovation project, we will use it to make other needed repairs in the clubhouse and to further Hidalgo’s mission of transforming the community through relationship-building in activities for kids, teens, and families.  We continue to need monthly partners for the expense of the ministry itself.
If you would like to give to this project, click the button below. Thanks!


*We’re using a GoFundMe Charity fundraiser for this project to make it easier to share with others.  GoFundMe (GFM) offers the opportunity to “Tip” them for their services. It is completely optional, so you are welcome to choose “Custom” and give $0 GFM Tip if you prefer.